Germany has joined Sweden, Finland, and Latvia in a multinational armored vehicle program to provide improved mobility and firepower to their armed forces. The...
The Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power plant in Finland has started producing electricity, according to Finnish plant operator Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO). The plant, said...
Will Russia carry through on its threats against Finland for joining NATO? Teri Schultz reports how Helsinki is bolstering the border in case Moscow’s...
LONDON — With Turkey and Hungary continuing to block Sweden’s application to join the NATO military alliance, the Swedish government hopes for a swift ratification...
Having already expanded operations into Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Norway, the UK’s motorways will soon play host to Einride’s vehicles. According to the...
Swedish energy giant Vattenfall wants to expand its existing hydropower in Sweden, Vattenfall stated in a press release on Tuesday, an initiative positively received...
The Swedish government is now predicting a deeper than expected GDP contraction in 2023, according to data released Monday, worsening an already gloomy outlook for the...