Home » The Head of the OSCE in Sarajevo was informed about Orthodoxy in Bosnia

The Head of the OSCE in Sarajevo was informed about Orthodoxy in Bosnia

The Head of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) in Sarajevo, Brian Engler, was informed about the history and the challenges that the Orthodox Church in Bosnia receives from time to time.
By Nikolaos Zaimis

The European diplomat visited the headquarters of the Holy Diocese of Dambrobosnia and spoke with the Reverend Mr. Chrysostomos about matters concerning the local Church.

Welcoming the high-ranking guest, His Eminence gave him a tour of the Cathedral Palace and wished him a successful mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina as he recently assumed his new duties.

The Metropolitan Mr. Chrysostomos informed him briefly about the long history of the Metropolis, but also about the long history of its passions. They then discussed the current situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the present and the future of relations between ethnicities living in Bosnia-Herzegovina, churches and religious communities.

Loud shade

A few days before and after the provocative statements of an imam in a province of Bosnia in which he touched the history and contribution of the Serbian Church by characterizing Saint Savva, Archbishop of Serbia, as a nationalist, the Metropolitan of Dambrobosnia submitted his resignation from the Interreligious Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

His Eminence explaining the reasons for his departure in a long letter he sent notes that the silence shown by the Council in the recent action combined with continuous threats and insults that the Church has received from time to time which they have not condemned, in protest he leaves until “the Council returns to its basic principles, which are the respect and defense of the rights of every religious community”.

Source: Orthodoxia News Agency