Home » Danish Businesses Benefit From Waning Price Increases

Danish Businesses Benefit From Waning Price Increases

Higher costs for business caused by inflation are declining, in a trend that could bolster the Danish economy.

Energy costs in particular are trending downwards, allowing Danish companies to keep costs under control and strengthen their positions, news wire Ritzau reports based on data from Statistics Denmark.

March saw prices up by 3.8 percent compared with the same month a year earlier. The same metric in February was considerably higher, at 8.3 percent.

The figures represent the trend in prices charged by producers of goods and services when they do business with each other.

The price of energy fell by 36.1 on an annual basis in March, Statistics Denmark reports.

Declining costs for businesses remove some of the pressure faced by companies during the period of inflation seen in 2022, and can also give a clue to how consumer prices will look in the longer term, according to trade union Dansk Metal’s senior economist Erik Bjørsted.

“Energy prices, raw material costs and transport rates have fallen strongly and gas stores are still well stocked. That gives well-founded hope that inflation will continue to decline in the near future,” he said in a written comment.

Source : TheLocal